Islamic State of Afghanistan love

Islamic State of Afghanistan


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  • In the meantime, the Bush administration took a hostile attitude towards the Islamic State of Afghanistan, otherwise known as the Northern Alliance.

    Quote Of The Day 2009

  • As you can see in the video below, the missionaries got their visas at an Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan in Eastern Europe.

    Chris Rodda: U.S. Army Conveniently Loses Records of Embedded Christian-Reality-TV-Show Missionaries 2009

  • We've talked to high officials here in the Islamic State of Afghanistan.

    CNN Transcript Sep 16, 2001 2001

  • Afghan Government were displaced by members of the Islamic Taliban movement; the Islamic State of Afghanistan has no functioning government at this time, and the country remains divided among fighting factions note: the Taliban have declared themselves the legitimate government of Afghanistan; however, the UN still recognizes the government of

    The 2000 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Government were displaced by members of the Islamic Taliban movement; the Islamic State of Afghanistan has no functioning government at this time, and the country remains divided among fighting factions note: the Taliban have declared themselves the legitimate government of Afghanistan; however, the UN still recognizes the government of Burhanuddin RABBANI; the Organization of the Islamic

    The 2001 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Afghan Government were displaced by members of the Islamic Taliban movement; the Islamic State of Afghanistan has no functioning government at this time, and the country remains divided among fighting factions note: the Taliban have declared themselves the legitimate government of Afghanistan; however, the UN still recognizes the government of Burhanuddin RABBANI; the Organization of the Islamic

    The 2001 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • TURKMENISTAN WELCOMES ADOPTION OF AFGHAN CONSTITUTION Turkmen leader Saparmurat Niyazov has sent a message to the head of the interim government of Islamic State of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, the Turkmenistan. ru's Ashgabat correspondent reports.

    Новости 2009

  • As you can see in the video below, the missionaries got their visas at an Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan in Eastern Europe.

    Talk To Action 2009

  • Afghan Government were displaced by members of the Islamic Taliban movement; the Islamic State of Afghanistan has no functioning government at this time, and the country remains divided among fighting factions note: the Taliban have declared themselves the legitimate government of Afghanistan; the UN has deferred a decision on credentials and the Organization of the Islamic Conference has left the Afghan seat vacant until the question of legitimacy can be resolved through negotiations among the warring factions; the country is essentially divided along ethnic lines; the Taliban controls the capital of

    The 1999 CIA Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • His administration does however suffer from widespread allegations of corruption. mojaddedi, his excellency sibghatullah Mojaddedi served as the first president of the Islamic State of Afghanistan after the fall of the communist regime in 1992, and is currently the president of the Meshrano Jirga (Upper House), head of the Afghanistan National Independent Peace and Reconciliation Commission, for which he is widely respected by pro - and anti-government parties, and is also the leader of the Afghan National Liberation Front.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows AlHaqqNetwork 2010


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